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The Makery will be bursting with art all weekend. Our Open Studios guests: Orna Feldman, Caryl Hull Leavitt, Audra Keefe, Jane Whelan Banks, Jill Anne Winitzer will be transforming the space into an oasis of art and beauty.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

3:00 PM

The Maker will be a colorful collection of creativity this weekend. To learn more about each artist, head over to the Brookline Open Studios website.

Orna Feldman creates monotypes, etchings, collagraphs and jewelry. She uses organic material and textures to bring out the untidiness and intrigue beneath physical and psychological experience.

Caryl Hull Leavitt uses her art as a continual means of discovery. Taking inspiration from nature and her everyday life, she builds upon images using paint, wood, cardboard, and paper.

Audra Keefe creates abstract work that allows the mind to wander and wonder.

Jane Whelan Banks felts cushions, story blankets and cozy scarves that lie somewhere in between art and fashion.

Jill Winitzer has been creating wearables forever! Recently, she discovered silk yarn and was overwhelmed with the gorgeous colors and options.

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