Design, build, landscape, furnish and decorate your dream house from the ground up while learning principles of architectural design, construction, interior design and sustainability. Learn technologies like laser cutting, 3D printing, electronics and coding while building your dream.
Thursday, November 8, 2018
8:00 PM
This class is appropriate for 5th grade and up and meets 3pm-6pm Thursdays for six weeks.
The ultimate art-tech experience.
In Dream House I, participants will learn to scale an actual structure as well as it's interior elements down to a 15" x 20" realistic model. They will design on paper and then, using digital design software, on the computer in order to cut their structural elements using the laser cutter. They will build and decorate the exterior and interior of their dream houses as well as design and build interior elements to create a beautiful model from their imagination.
In Dream House II, students will have the opportunity to expand on the skills they learned in session one. This class will also incorporate 3D printing using BlocksCad and the Arduino micro-controller allowing students to create their own smart house designs. Dream House I is a prerequisite for Dream House II.