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Add extreme cool to your house with lighting, remote sensors, controllers and 3D printed elements. Learn technologies like laser cutting, 3D printing, electronics and coding while adding functional and beautiful elements to your house. Dream House I is a pre-requisite for this class.
Thursday, November 8, 2018
8:00 PM
This class is appropriate for 5th grade and up and meets 3pm-6pm Thursdays for six weeks.
In Dream House II, students will have the opportunity to expand on the skills they learned in Dream House I. Not only will they create a new structure, it will be made into a beautiful and smart home with lighting, controllers, sensors and 3D printed elements. This class will incorporate 3D printing using BlocksCad and coding and electronics using the Arduino micro-controller allowing students to create their own smart house designs. Dream House I is a prerequisite for Dream House II.
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