Dream House Online - Designing, Building, Making & Creating
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
2:00 PM
Rising 6th and up : 10 weeks : Wednesdays 10am-12pm : September 23, 2020 - November 25, 2020
Dream House Online
Get ready to bring your dream house to life! Create your own 1:24 scale model while learning the principles of architecture, scaling, interior design, miniatures, 3D modeling, laser cutting, and 3D printing. The class consists of both computer design as well as hands-on work with wood, paint, fabric, and more.
Deliveries & Manufacturing
For those particioants that are local to The Makery, we will be popping by with kits, student designed pieces and parts, and fun finishing materials throughout the program. For remote participants you will be receiving surprises in your mailbox or on your front steps!
Note on location of participants: This is a weekly program that can be attended by anyone within the US who can receive a US Postal service delivery within four days from Brookline, MA. Alternatively we can send through your own UPS or FedEx account. If you plan to attend from a remote lacation, please contact us at team@brooklinemakery.com to discuss logistics for deliveries.