Introduction to 3D Printing and Modeling Online
Thursday, April 9, 2020
10:30 PM
Thursday, April 9, 2020: 6:30pm-9pm
Explore the world of 3D printing and get started designing and making your own 3D printed items. Students will gain an understanding of the 3D printing process and terminology, as well as structural and process considerations while designing for 3D printing. Students will be introduced to options available for 3D modeling software as well as design and print a first project using Tinkercad.
What we will do
- Become familiar with 3D printing technologies including those available at The Makery
- Explore options for 3D modeling software
- Learn basic printing and modeling concepts while creating a design in a free program called TinkerCad
- Learn how to slice and start a print on the two different 3D printers available at The Makery
Zoom Meeting Information
Topic: Introduction to 3D Printing and Modeling Online Time: Apr 9, 2020 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/474442240?pwd=aWs3a3RNZEVUSXhSTWtFdHVnWlVZdz09