Writing as Trans-lation/Trans-formation
Sunday, October 20, 2019
2:00 PM
Writing as Trans-lation/Trans-formation
What do the practices of creative writing and translating share in common?
In this new series of workshops, we will find out. We will read poetry and short stories by contemporary writers who straddle more than one language, culture, and geography. Inspired by their writing and the experiences and questions these works manifest, we will generate new material in whichever form and language it manifests itself: poetry, journaling, story, among others.
In each of these three workshops, Marika invites participants to tune into the spirit of a translator of cultures and languages and to generate writing that not only reflects on but also trans-forms our many experiences of personal change.
From the original meaning of Trans = “across”, we will discuss the challenges and joys in any movement across identities, histories, languages, and cultures.
Workshops run from 10-12pm on the following dates.
Sun Sept 29,
Sun October 20,
Sun December 8.
Marika Preziuso, PhD, is Associate Professor of World Literature and Writing at the Massachusetts College of Art and Design. Her teaching is very informed by an understanding of cultural differences in the classroom, and she leads workshops on cross-cultural communication for art and writing educators (Grub Street, New England Conservatory, MassArt).
As a published poet and RYT yoga and meditation instructor, Marika leads community workshops specifically for creatives who straddle languages, cultures, and complex personal histories, to rekindle their creative flow through the practices of meditation, journaling, story-telling and verse in translation.