Our collaborations are now producing real-world results with 1500 masks delivered in the last couple of days and many more to come.
While the The Makery continues to produce parts for 3D printed shields, including headbands and laser cut plastic, we are running an increasingly smoothly-operating assembly and distribution center out of The Brookline Teen Center (BTC). We are working with our partners to take in materials, organize volunteers, assemble, package, and distribute thousands of shields per week (and soon per day) that are going directly into the hands of medical workers.
How do we work with our partners?
JK Automotive Designs is making and delivering a high volume of their face shield design to our assembly center at the BTC. JK’s design is being reproduced all over the country by people in the automotive manufacturing industry. Faith Michaels from Kids Clothing Club along with Susan Kistler from Masks for Docs help facilitate delivery to contacts at hospitals and clinics. We are so grateful to all of them for their work towards making this operation happen.
Masks for Docs also coordinates the local maker community to make parts and gather donated materials that get delivered to us at the BTC. Once we have completed assembly, Mask for Docs organizes pickup and delivery of finished shields to hospitals and other medical organizations.
What’s Next?
By the end of the weekend, we should deliver another 1500 more face shields
Next week we are getting materials in to produce another 25,000 from JK Auto
We will be ramping up our volunteer efforts in order to get these assembled and distributed as fast as possible
Where are the masks going?
Masks are being delivered to:
All the major Boston hospitals
Small medical groups and clinics
Individual medical workers
What are recipients saying?
“Outstanding, please pass on my gratitude to all involved, just knowing that people care about our safety means a ton”
Richard Bachur, Chief medical officer ER Children’s
“I just delivered the face shields to the clinic. I can not thank you enough for your generosity and ingenuity. These shields will be a vital component of keeping the health care providers and their patients safe.”
Jane Piercy, Brookline’s Women’s Health Services
Thank you to our amazing volunteers!
We are so grateful for the hard-working volunteers who are helping to make this happen. None of this would be possible without you!
A special thanks to
The Lindstrom-Vautrin Family
The Fox Family
Debbie Raisner and Eli Thompson
The Jacks Family
Matt Cooney and the BTC Board
Please consider a donation to The Makery’s COVID-19 Relief Effort, visit our donation page here.